“Push N Fuel” Auxiliary Tank System Explanation
Whenever the truck ignition is on, you press and hold the momentary switch in the on position. With the switch depressed the inline fuel pump is activated and will begin to transfer fuel from the auxiliary tank to the factory tank. When you let go of the switch, the pump is turned off. The auxiliary gauge reads what is in the auxiliary tank. The factory gauge reads what is in the factory tank.
Do not press the momentary switch for more than 5 minutes, and allow ten minutes between reactivating the switch. This will allow the factory gauge to give a more accurate reading of the factory tank. Do not activate the momentary switch if the factory tank is above 3/4 of a tank. Failure to do so can result in over-filling/over-pressurization of the factory. Do not activate the momentary switch if the auxiliary tank is empty.
For more information on this auxiliary tank connection system click HERE.